love vidography for thoes who love it as well stay tuned, because that will be the next step on my blog.
about the film via
Sophisticated by day, fashion obsessed clothing junky by night.
Chasing - A Charlie & Lee™ film collaboration.
today was a cold windy day...not my favorite but the scenery was pretty and perfect for lounging around the house while eating mint chocolate chip gellato.
about the look
My coat is from burlingtons, my top via thrifted , skirt from oldnavy, thigh highs from UO
my button up is thrifted I got it when me and my grandmother went thrifting. I picked up a few other things as well when I was there :) My skirt is by KNT i love this brand all of their pieces are very heavy, and well made. My shoes are by steve madden/ westii gotta love these "30 inch" wedge platforms.